
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Custom band in the IS admin page

Go to:  <installationPath>\IntegrationServer\packages\WmRoot\pub
And open webMethods.css
Note: You Can change the Name of the server appearing on the Top left Hand corner by Changing below script in webMethods.css
                text-align: left;
       background-color: #E7EAAA;
                color: #2D3F59;
                font-weight: bold;
                font-size: 18pt;

Note: For introducing the Name on the Top Left Hand corner of the IS Admin page:
Go to: <installationPath>\IntegrationServer\packages\WmRoot\pub
And open top.dsp and do following changes under the box as below.

After that you should go and start your IS and add the following data under red block marked in the screen shot and add it in your extended settings

When I want to get the list of services in a Package, I will use below code

Java service -

i/p pipeline - package (string)
o/p pipeline - services (string list)

IDataCursor idatacursor = pipeline.getCursor();
        String s = IDataUtil.getString(idatacursor, "package");
        int i = s.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1;
        String s1 = s.substring(i);
        IData idata1 = IDataFactory.create();
        IDataCursor idatacursor1 = idata1.getCursor();
        IDataUtil.put(idatacursor1, "showServices", "true");
        IDataUtil.put(idatacursor1, "package", s1);
        IData idata2 = IDataFactory.create();
        String as[] = null;
            IData idata3 = Service.doInvoke("wm.server.packages.adminui", "packageInfo", idata1);
            IDataCursor idatacursor2 = idata3.getCursor();
            as = IDataUtil.getStringArray(idatacursor2, "services");
        catch(Exception exception) { }
        IDataUtil.put(idatacursor, "services", as);
        IDataUtil.put(idatacursor, "index", (new StringBuilder()).append("").append(s1).toString());

Runtime - Give the package name as the input. Output will be list of all services in that package.

hmmm... may be I can enhance above code, to use characters(%,*,?) in the package name? Yes, it will be handy.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Willing to change the location of logs folder under IntegrationServer ?

This is a tip for changing the location of the server log.

default location of server log is - <installation dir.>/IntegrationServer/logs/server.log

Now, if you want to change this default location, make use of this extended setting -

  • (default setting) watt.debug.logfile = logs/server.log

You can change this setting to the location you wish

  • watt.debug.logfile = /tmp/logs/webMethodsServer.log

Note: In the above new value, I changed both the path of the log file and also the name of the log file from server.log to webMethodsServer.log